Archive | April, 2010

stress busters at the Doctor’s clinic(s)

26 Apr

Last week, while the interviews for the undergraduate admissions at NID were underway, I was also doing the rounds of the Doctor’s clinic(s) with various reports of both my parents. People – mostly patients, and their attendants were glued onto the TV set which was broadcasting the much hyped IPL cricket matches. I was content as I had a few scraps of paper and a new ball point pen with me.

joining the dots - Dr. Manoj Vithalani

It was hot (almost 43 degree Celsius) and humid with just a window and the fan in full speed, I did not notice the beads of sweat on my forehead, till a drop fell on the sheet. It was like meditation, oblivious of the outer world.

While I made almost a dozen waiting for my turn at two other doctors, I am sharing a few here…

joining the dots at Dr. Harjit Dumra's

another one at Dr. Dumra's

the summers of 2010

19 Apr

thanks to Navleen Kohli for this reminder.